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LiuHong Diamond Tools Co.,Ltd
企业地址:200 meters to the west of the crossing of 327 National Road and Shidu Road, Pingyi County, Shandong Province, China.
LiuHong Diamond Tools Co.,Ltd
 Founded in 1993, Liuhong Diamond Tools Co., Ltd. is one of the  companies to produce diamond tools in China. Based in Pingyi County, Shandong Province,  the company has seen rapid growth and is now developing into a modern automated factory, with over 200 employees and 30 technicians working with us so far.
We produce and sell various sizes and specifications of diamond tools in three categories. The first specialises in diamond segments used for single, multiple and quarrying saw blades with a diameter of blank from 1000mm to 3000mm. We are supplying the segments for cutting and mining various kinds of stones, such as granite, marble, sand stone, lime stone and slates. The second branch specialises in round saw blades, used for cutting stones and concrete with the diameter of blank from 85mm to 230mm. Finally, the third specialises in middle-diameter saw blades with the diameter of blank from 350mm to 800mm, which is used for processing stone slab and cutting concrete roads.
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版权所有(C) LiuHong Diamond Tools Co.,Ltd COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
详细地址:200 meters to the west of the crossing of 327 National Road and Shidu Road, Pingyi County, Shandong Province, China. 业务电话:*** 企业网站:http://www.liuhongtool.com/